An Infallible Test Detects Which is Which!
An eminent scientist has demonstrated how any individual knowing kinesiology (muscle testing) can tell instantly--without touching or even looking at them--whether apples are organic or are contaminated by poisonous pesticides.
In his book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (Revised Edition, 2012), David R. Hawkins. M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012) shows how through countless replicable experiments he and associates demonstrated the power of kinesiology. They show how this uncanny technique, now used widely by alternative healthcare providers, can be employed far beyond merely diagnosis and treatment.
Hawkins found that kinesiology can instantly detect the relative healthfulness of any substance, person, organization, or event in the past or present.
Testing what You and I Think!
What his tests "demonstrated was that the mere image of a substance held in the mind produced the same response as if the substance itself were in physical contact with the body.
As an example, we would hold up an apple grown with pesticides and ask the audience to look directly at it while being tested; All would go weak.
We would then hold up an organically grown apple, free of contaminants, and as the audience focused on it, they would instantly go strong. In as much as no one in the audience knew which apple was which, nor for that matter, had any anticipation of the test at all, the reliability of the method was demonstrated to everyone's satisfaction."
You Can Develop This Skill, Too!
Although Hawkins as a scientist, bent on convincing fellow scientists, used "two-person kinesiology," the kind your chiropractor may use, you and I can with relative ease learn "one-person kinesiology" or so-called O-Ring Kinesiology. This involves using one hand to form a ring (and consequently an electrical circuit) with a thumb and another finger of that hand and then attempting with fingers of the other hand to break the "ring" (or circuit).
To get details on learning O-ring kinesiology, consult works by Machaelle Small Wright and her Nature Research Center known as Perelandra (see One such work is her Co-Creative Science: A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions for Today's Health & Environment (1997). On the bottom of the website's home page is a link to a brief You Tube video in which she demonstrates O-ring kinesiology.
An Organic Apple a Day
Keeps the Doctor Away
A Pesticide Permeated Apple a Day
Draws the Undertaker Your Way
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