Thursday, May 2, 2013

Using Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) to Test Organic Food

Most Anyone Can Do It!

Almost no one realizes that he has within his own power--within his very own hands--the means to tell whether the food in front of him is "organic" or not.  The moment you learn kinesiology (it's easy!) you can tell whether food, or any substance, is healthful or will harm.
I've been using one-person kinesiology, called O-ring kinesiology, for over 7 years.  I simply ask a question that can be answered with a Yes or No, and instantly I have an answer.  
No, I'm not a health care professional.  Like the dean of kinesiology, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012),  the health care professionals that use kinesiology for diagnosis (chiropractors, for example) use two-person kinesiology.  This requires a tester and a subject (the patient).
The tester, with a slight touch of a finger on the outstretched arm of his patient, tries to push the arm down.  If he can (and it usually goes down fast), the tester knows that the patient has a weakness that needs treatment.  If the arm remains firm and parallel to the ground, no matter how hard he pushes with his finger, the patient is strong in the area tested--no treatment needed.

Testing for What's Organic All By Yourself

A good way to learn O-ring kinesiology and do your own testing is to consult one of the books by Machaelle Small Wright, founder in 1977 of a nature research center in Warrenton, Virginia.  The center's name, Perelandra, is also the name of its website (  In many of her books, such as Co-Creative Science: A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions for Today's Health & Environment (1997), she gives illustrated instructions.  The website's homepage at the bottom also links to a brief YouTube video in which she demonstrates kinesiology.
Although I've known for years how to diagnose for flower essences produced by Perelandra, I had no idea of how revolutionary this kinesiology tool was.  Not until I read Hawkins' Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (1995; Second Edition 2012) did I begin to realize what a powerful skill I had acquired!

No Equipment Needed--Just You and Your Hands!

I can test for organic anywhere, at any time.  I don't even need the product in front of me.  It can be in a flyer or catalog.  I simply need to ask,  "Does this product calibrate  at 200 or over?"  The number 200 is what Hawkins found was the fulcrum on what he called the Map of Human Consciousness, a logarithmic scale he devised, that divides substances, situations, etc., between beneficial and detrimental.  If a substance tests below 200, it's harmful; if 200 or above, it's healthful.
I know this sounds goofy, if not mystical!  However, anyone who reads his book and learns of the countless replicable experiments on which his findings are based, will begin to comprehend the magnitude of his work.  It's also worth knowing that Hawkins co-authored a book with Nobelist Linus Pauling!

Simple Questions, Powerful Results!

I don't even need to refer to the number 200.  All I need to ask is, "Are these asparagus 'organic'?"
Or, "Will this be good for me?"  I'll get an answer instantly. 
However, by using the scale Hawkins devised, I can also determine the relative healthfulness of anything.  If I ask, how do the following calibrate on the Hawkins scale, I get:
Ordinary so-called "Natural" Food--200
USDA Certified Organic--210
Demeter Certified Biodynamic--215

The Difference Is Enormous!

Here's what Hawkins says:
"It's very important to remember that calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic, but a logarithmic, progression.  Thus, the level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 10 to the 300th power.  An increase of even a few points represents a major advance in power; the rate of increase as we move up the scale is enormous."

Do You See What Potential Power You and I have?



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