Wednesday, May 29, 2013

World Hunger and Organic Food

Not Just Over There Somewhere--

The Hungry are All Around Us!

The statistics appall me.  I don't need to quote them.  You can look them up.  Our big mistake is to believe that the problem of hunger is over there somewhere.  The hungry are everywhere!

Many Causes--Many Solutions

Both the "world hunger" over there somewhere and the hunger right here have many causes and many possible solutions.  Almost anywhere people live, homeless people pick through garbage looking for sustenance.

Even the Rich are Starving in Our Society!

The rich and wealthy may not pick through garbage cans.  Nevertheless, their bodies may starve from lack of appropriate nutrients.  Like so many in our society, rich--though they may be stuffed--or, poor--though they may be hungry--both are malnourished.

Organic Food Can Help

As a society--a whole world society--we need to change our ways!  Our thoughts, feelings, and deeds about food, its worth, its quality, its cultivation, its distribution, and its consumption need transformation.  We only need the will to change.  A little here locally--in our own household, neighborhood, and town--a bit there regionally, then nationally, finally, globally.

Living Thinking, Organic Thinking

Once we start thinking in living ways, valuing life-giving substances, not just profits for ourselves, but also how our actions and attitudes affect others, no matter how close or how far away they may be, every one's world will begin to change--however, incrementally.  Change will happen.  Change for the better.

Thinking With the Heart

Organic thinking can only be heart thinking, caring for others.  When we think organically, aware of our fellowmen, of the whole of creation and the needs of all earthly creatures, we will find ways to feed all on earth--even our own rich selves, malnourished as we too often are!

Long Live Our Organic Heart!


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