Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cell Phones and Organic Food

Electromagnetic Fields Detrimental to Honeybees!

What's killing honeybees, causing colony collapse disorder (CCD)?  In addition to pesticides; monoculture (preventing bees from finding diverse types of nectar); viruses and fungi; artificial insemination of queen bees; transporting hives far from their natural habitats; we now learn that cell phone proximity to hives plays a role.

Honeybees Disoriented

Place a cell phone near a hive.  Radiation from it (900-1,880 MHz) prevents bees from returning to their hives.  Studies show that microwaves from mobile devices placed near hives cause the hives to collapse in 5 to 10 days! (See http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/08/bees-dying-off.aspx

Colony Collapse Disorder and Civilization Collapse

Is There A Connection?

In earlier postings on this blog, I have suggested that mankind has lost its original, intuitive sense for what is organic, for what nurtures life.  In our highly technical, highly intellectual culture, we  inevitably face the consequences of what we've lost.  Losing bees that pollinate 40% of our food, whether so-called organic food or natural food--what does it matter?   What matters is that our life is at stake!

Humility in the Face of Disaster Would be a First Step!

Admit that despite our know-it-all technology, we might learn from Nature, the All-Knowing Balancer.  Seek out those who farm organically.  Learn from those who consciously read from the book of Nature, not merely from textbooks or lab manuals.  And in the process,

Find Ourselves


Find Mankind!

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Obesity Epidemic and Organic Food

Is There a Connection?

Today, in the U.S., the American Medical Association has just voted to recognize obesity as a disease.  A major reason for doing so is to force a discussion about the one in three Americans who are overweight and why insurance companies are willing to pay for triple bypass surgery but not for dietary counseling. 
In other words, insurance companies and government programs cover the consequences of obesity--but not the cause!

What is the Cause of Obesity?

Yes, genetics plays a role.  True, less than 30% of people won't put on weight no matter what they eat!  The other two thirds, however, can choose what's wise to eat.  Nevertheless, for them, once obese, it's difficult to slim down, because of how hormones regulate appetite. 

History of Our Obesity Crisis

What we eat matters, but medicine and the public have long ignored the obvious.  In his book Power Vs. Force (Revised Edition 2012), David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1929-2012) describes how neither the American Medical Association nor the National Council on Food and Nutrition have had an enlightened history in the field of nutrition.  When Hawkins co-authored the book Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobelist Linus Pauling and the book appeared in 1973, stating that nutrition affects the chemical environment of the brain and bloodstream, influencing various behaviors, emotions, and mental disorders, the book caused a controversy!

Chemical Vs. Organic Fertilizer

We have to go back still further to days in the 19th and 20th centuries when chemical fertilizer began to supplant age-old organic fertilizers.  Soil began to be viewed as an inert, dead substance rather than loved and viewed as life-giving and life supporting, and consequently a substance to nurture rather than exploit for all its worth.  In other words, mankind as a whole has brought us to this point where food, too, is considered not much more than dead substance to fill our bellies when we hunger.
I've demonstrated in earlier postings how kinesiology can evaluate the health-giving differences between substances, between so-called natural foods and organically-certified foods, and the highest ranking of all--foods grown by the biodynamic method (see www.biodynamics.com).

Show Me an Obese Person Raised on Organic Food! 

Show me an obese person raised on organic food, or food raised with the biodynamic method!  I doubt that such a person exists.

When Will the Medical and Scientific Fields Wake Up?



When the ever-lagging medical, nutritional, and scientific fields awaken to the


the life-sustaining power inherent in organic food


obesity will vanish,



 and our entire culture will


take on  new life!

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What a True Organic Food Communication Network Could Accomplish

A Case Study From LinkedIn's Organic Ingredients Group 

On June 9, 2013, as a member of LinkedIn's Organic Ingredients, Raw-Materials and Product Development Group, I received this urgent-sounding message:

Organic Ginger Puree Available For Sale in Melbourne, Australia (Heavily Discounted)

Hi guys,
We have 1.2 tonnes of frozen organic ginger puree in Melbourne, Australia.  The product is perfectly fine and has a beautiful flavor profile.  We wanted to use it for a drink but it was too thick for our co packer and clogged the filler heads.\
However, for any other application like soups, baked goods, sauces etc. it would be fantastic.  We purchased of The Ginger People (http//gingerpeople.com.au/bulk-ingredients).  Item code 36106.
Product still has around 18 months until expiry  and we can negotiate on price depending on how much you need but we are looking to get rid of it quickly so it will be a bargain price!  Please contact for more details/specs/organic certs.
Cheers, James

How Our Organic Food Network Would Help James

Unload His Surplus Organic Food Puree

In my last posting (June 9, the day James also wrote), I described briefly the business I am developing with colleagues, I Control Communications (www.icontrolcommunications.com) and our first major service, The Organic Food Network.
Our web-based service would link all in the worldwide organic food  movement, whether consumers, farmers, distributors or other middlemen such as processors.
Each participant in the network would be connected in three ways:
  1. By his role or function, for example, as consumer, producer, or middleman
  2. By the specific organic food product that he/she was interested in at the moment
  3. By location geographically--postal zone, within a country, globally

What James Could Do Via Our Organic Food Network

James is looking for another organic food processor who either seeks organic ginger puree or might, if he knew it was available--especially at a good price!
With our Organic Food Network, James could use his computer, lap top, or smartphone to instantly contact organic food processors anywhere in the world--possibly also wholesalers, if they handle bulk shipments of raw puree or might have customers with an interest.


LinkedIn Groups Now Connect Organic Food Seekers in General Ways


Our Organic Food Network Will Connect All Seekers

In Very Specific Ways!

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

What If Organic Food Lovers Were a Majority?

What Would the World Look Like?

Organic food lovers--those who feel it important to produce, distribute, and/or consume certified organic food--are a relatively small minority worldwide.

What If We Were a Majority?



The earth would be transformed.  Commerce would be transformed.  Our health, worldwide, would be transformed.

The Earth Would Have a New Glow! 


When a majority of farmers truly love their land, treat it as a living entity to be cared for as family members are cared for, the earth will inevitably respond.  All life responds to loving care.  Soil treated as life-giving substance, rather than as nothing but dead matter, will burgeon as never before.  The body Earth will begin to glow, to smile as a child does whose ruddy cheeks glow.

Commerce Would Thrive!

The ever-increasing demand for certified organic food products will have an especially profound effect on local commerce, stimulating shopping for locally grown items.
Nevertheless, because no localities, with their seasonal changes and various topographies, can be self-sufficient, some food must always be brought in from outside, sometimes merely from nearby, but often imported from far away. 
After all, how many locales can produce all their own spices, bananas, coconut, avocados, olive oil, or salmon?  In other words, national and international commerce in organic food will surge.
New opportunities to connect will open up for food processors, wholesalers, and for retailers both large and small.

We Will Have Glowing Health!

As more and more of our fellowmen realize how much better truly organic food tastes, how much better it satisfies their needs, how much better they feel eating organically, their health and the health of those in their social and/or ethnic groups will grow exponentially.  As health improves, so will longevity.  Eventually, society's costs to treat illness may lessen.

How Can This Happen? 


This will happen when more organic food lovers join forces, find one another, whether as farmers, consumers, or middlemen.  To make this possible, my company I Control Communications (www.icontrolcommunications.com) is developing an online communication service involving the latest computer and smartphone technology to make commerce about organic foods down-to-earth and practical for all in the organic food movement world wide. 
We want each role player--farmer, processor, wholesaler, retailer, restaurant owner, or home consumer--to link to sources he/she needs regarding specific items, for example, bread, spinach, pork chops, raspberry jam, vinegar, or split peas.  If traveling, where can the traveler find organic meals?  What hospital, school, or company cafeteria serves organic food?  Where can those that do, obtain their organic food products?  Where can retirement homes buy organic lettuce or cheese?


Our Organic Food Network Will Answer These Questions


--Will Make These Connections Possible!

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Meditating Farmer

"It is not a bad thing. . . when a farmer can meditate. . . "

In my last posting, I called attention to "The Farm as an Organism" described in writings of Rudolf Steiner in Spiritual Ecology: Reading the book of nature and reconnecting with the world (2008),  selections from Steiner's lectures to farmers in 1923.
Matthew Barton, who compiled the readings says to conclude those dealing with farming, ". . . here is a brief but vital extract, in which Steiner as it were hands back to the farmer full responsibility for deciding what the land and the crops need.
"If instead of relying on directives from experts--or even a whole European Community [Barton's compilation was published in the UK]--we develop an intimate, meditative relationship with our particular farm and its environment, the right ideas and inspirations can arise, and the farmer can become what he or she should be: the farm's living consciousness and conscience."

Talking to Farmers

In a lecture to farmers given in Koberwitz, Silesia, June 11, 1924,  Rudolf Steiner said:
You see, if you bump your head against something hard--a table, for instance--you will only be aware of your own pain.  If, however, you rub it more gently, you will become aware of the surface of the table, its texture and so on.  It is the same when you meditate.  You gradually grow into an experience of, for instance, the nitrogen that surrounds you. . .

Receptive to What Nitrogen Can Reveal

And in fact it is at this point that the spirit in our inner meditative activity begins to acquire a certain relationship to farming. . . It is not a bad thing, you know, when a farmer can meditate and thus become ever more receptive to the revelations of nitrogen.

Our Agricultural Practices Can Change

Our agricultural practices will gradually change once we become receptive to  what nitrogen can reveal.  Suddenly we know all kinds of things--they are simply there.  Suddenly we know all about the mysteries at work on the land and around the farm. . . Take a simple farmer. . . who meditates on all sorts of things during winter nights.  And indeed he arrives at a way of acquiring spiritual knowledge, though he may not be able to express it . . .

Walking Through the Fields

As he is walking though the fields it is suddenly there.  He knows what to do, and he tries it out.  I lived among farmers when I was young, and I saw this happen again and again.  It really does happen.

Mere Intellectualism is Not Enough!

These are the kinds of things we have to pursue.  Mere intellectualism is not enough; it does not take us deep enough.  Nature's life and flow are so fine and subtle that in the end they slip right through the coarse mesh of our rational concepts.

The Mistake of Science


That's the mistake science has made in recent times--

it tries to use coarse conceptual nets

to catch things that are actually

much too fine for them. . .

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Farm as a Living Organism

The Best of All Organic Food

Comes From True "Organic Thinking"!

If we are to cultivate organically, we need to think of our gardens and farms as living organisms.  For this we may turn to Rudolf Steiner, from whom the biodynamic farming and gardening method originated (https://www.biodynamics.com).  
I'd like to quote from Spiritual Ecology: Reading the book of nature
and reconnecting with the world, a selection from the vast works of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) made by Matthew Brown (2008). 
Brown's passages, "all drawn from the 'Agriculture Course' which Steiner gave to farmers in 1923, elaborate in great detail on Steiner's vision for a revitalized agriculture.  His 'biodynamic' method was not only the forerunner of organic farming, but in several respects goes beyond it in an effort to return to soil and crops the full vitality they once had.  Here again, before the full advent of industrial farming methods, we can see how prescient Steiner was in seeing approaching dangers and taking steps to remedy them." 

A Self-sustaining Farm

Brown introduces a Steiner lecture given in Koberwitz, Silesia, June 10, 1924:
"The truly self-sufficient and sustaining farm is a complete organism in which everything is of reciprocal benefit to everything else.  In this overall organism every 'organ'--soil, crops, animals and even the farmer himself--interacts harmoniously.  This is light years away from a materialistic agriculture, which adds chemicals to get results but overlooks the weakening effect of this on biodiversity, animal and plant vitality, and nutritional value.  In Steiner's view . . . the farmer is a kind of artist in tune with his material--the land--and sensitive to its changing needs."

The Essence of a Farm

Rudolf Steiner speaks:
Now a farm comes closest to its own essence when it can be conceived as a kind of independent individuality, a self-contained entity.  In reality, every farm ought to aspire to this state of being a self-contained individuality.  This cannot be entirely achieved, but we need to aspire towards it.  This means that within our farms we should attempt to have everything we need for agricultural production, including, of course, the right number of livestock.  From an ideal perspective, any manure and so forth introduced from outside the farm would have to be regarded as remedies for an ailing farm.  A healthy farm would be one that can produce everything it needs from within itself.



Imagine what our food would be like


if raised on farms and in gardens conceived as living organisms!

*  *  *

Monday, June 3, 2013

Who Makes Up the Organic Food World?

Every Farmer and Distributor Is Also a Consumer!

Everyone who consumes organic food is part of the ever-growing organic food world.  You and I may play roles only as Consumers.  However, others play multiple roles:

The Farmer


Here's what many a farmer may say:
  • I raise organic food for my family's consumption.
  • I raise organic food for sale at a food stand on a nearby road, at a farmers' market, to sell wholesale, to sell to one or more local shopkeepers.



The Shopkeeper

Here's what a shopkeeper may say:
  • I buy organic food for my customers.
  • I buy organic food to feed my family. 

The Food Processor

Here's what a processor of organic food may say:
  • I buy organic food to enable me to create an organic food product to sell.
  • I buy organic food to feed my family.

The Meal Service Provider

Here's what the meal service provider may say:
  • I buy organic food to serve in my restaurant.
  • I buy organic food to serve in our company cafeteria.
  • I buy organic food to serve in our school cafeteria.
  • I buy organic food to serve in our hospital cafeteria.
  • I buy organic food to serve in our retirement home dining room.

The Organic Food Roles Add Up!

The organic food world is sporadically and  haphazardly organized.  Here and there we find organizations of farmers, sometimes consumers, rarely, however, if ever, wholesalers, or even retailers.
Growing numbers, however, do protest against the use of pesticides, food additives, GMOs, and cruelty to animals in the food chain from farm to dinner table.

We Aim to Help the World of Organic Food Organize!

Through our communication service, I Control Communications
 (www.icontrolcommunications.com), we aim to link all who care about organic food, to link up with one another--whatever their role.


We Welcome Your Interest!


Help Us Get the Word Out!

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