Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What Truly Is "Organic Food"?

To Create  Food that is Truly"Organic" and Make it Widely Available is a Massive Undertaking!

What is "organic"?  If you or I listen to discussions among farmers or organic food partisans at meetings, on LinkedIn, or other forums. we hear a cacophony of voices--pleading, disgusted, exuberant.  But we hear little clarity or agreement.  
Why?  Because few of us have a clear notion or agreement as to what living beings require to keep them healthy.  Books, researchers, doctors, corporations and their marketeers, promote thousands of answers.  How many and which ring true?  Who really knows.
Besides these promotions, we face or contend with innumerable laws pertaining to food, to an individual's health, or to public health--whether promulgated with the best of intentions or with hidden agendas. 

Our Civilization is Complex--So is the Solution to What is "Organic"?

To conceive and develop a culture in which citizens grasp the essence of what makes food "organic" and why that has value,  requires that we transform how we think, feel, and act as a society. 
How we think (spiritually), how we feel what's right or wrong (legally), and how we behave (socially) require transformation!

We Can Only Begin, Where We are!

That's why I've begun this blog.  That's why I'm developing an organic food communication service to link Consumers and Providers in down-to-earth, daily, practical ways.  I'd like to hear from you--what you think of it.  I know only too well that participants will ask, "How do we know what I buy is organic?"
We're going to have to rely on sellers and their declared certification.  Only they and God will know how "organic" their products are.  Please see:  



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Real-time Communication for Consumers


I'm creating an Internet-based communication service linking all players in the organic food world:  Consumers, Farmers/Ranchers, Wholesalers, Processors, Food Servers (in companies, hospitals, schools, retirement homes, etc.), and Restauranteurs.

This time I'm looking at the role Consumers playLike you, I am a consumer.  That's the only role that I've listed above that I play.  In the case of the other role players, I can only imagine what would help them play their roles more effectively.  For those of you who do play another role besides Consumer, please let me hear from you!  What are your needs?

Instant Contact With Shopkeepers, Local Farms, and Farmers' Markets

Our Internet-based organic food communication service--unlike any now existing--will link you as a Consumer, so that wherever you live you can instantly connect with organic food sources locally, or if desired far away.

Imagine!  You say, "I want organic cherries."  You sign on to our service, then look for stores or farms near you--even someone with a cherry tree in the back yard.  If they market in your area, reach for your smartphone, tablet, or computer and press GO.  PRESTO, you've found your organic cherries. 

Take Our Survey

Learn more about what I'm planning, and please give me your comments!  Check this link:

You can learn still more at



Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Use the Hawkins Test and Learn Instantly, Anywhere!

In  an earlier post, I described how, using kinesiology, I can determine exactly what is healthy for me and what is not.  I can even tell exactly to what degree organic food is "organic."  I also told you how you can learn to do the same:  (
Today, I'll show you how you can measure exactly to what degree a food is healthful, specifically to what degree a product labeled "organic" is truly organic.    You can test anywhere, instantly, at home or at a market.
To do so, I'll need to introduce you to the work of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., who, using kinesiology, devised a scale that allows anyone who knows kinesiology to "calibrate" (that's the term he uses) to what degree a substance or item tested is healthful or produces disease or degeneracy.

Who is David R. Hawkins and What Is the Hawkins Scale?

David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) was a psychiatrist with impeccable scientific and medical credentials.  He co-authored a book with Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling.  I regard his book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (Revised Edition 2012) as a kind of bible. 
Hawkins made innumerable, replicable experiments using kenesiology that enabled him to develop what he called a Map of Consciousness, that includes a numerical, logarithmic scale correlated to all levels of life and consciousness, from the humblest single cell to the most complex organisms, as well as to unseen entities that many might call spiritual or Divine.  The range of the scale runs from 1 to 1,000.

200--The Critical Point Between Health-Producing and Illness-Inducing!

According to the Hawkins scale, any substance calibrating at 200 or above is positive and healthful.  Anything below 200 is negative and causes ill health.  Anyone using kinesiology, asking yes/no questions to determine if a product tests above or below a certain number can easily determine exactly where the product tests on the Hawkins scale.

My Organic Food Tests

Food Containing GMO materials:  120  (Very bad for you!)
So-called Natural Food:  200  (This is the heathful level of most produce.  It's at the just barely healthful level.  Won't hurt!)
Organic Food:  210  (Much, much better!)
Biodynamically raised food:  220  (The very, very best!)





Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Worldwide Organic Food Recognition Since 1928

Demeter--The Highest Global Certification

for Food Grown Organically

Demeter International is the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture (  Demeter Biodynamic Certification is used in over 50 countries.

The First Ecological Label Ever!

The Demeter Certification Program, established in 1928, was the first ecological label for organically produced foods, long before most folks had ever heard of "organic food"!  The name Demeter refers to the Greek goddess of grain and fertility.  Demeter began in Berlin, Germany, as a cooperative in 1927, with its  trademark registered a year later.  In 1941, the Nazi Government dissolved the Union for biodynamic agriculture.  After World War II, it was reestablished, and in 1997, 19 independent Demeter organizations established Demeter International (
The Demeter biodynamic certification--the oldest traditional organic certification in Europe--is regarded as the highest grade of organic farming in the world.  Certification is hard to achieve and needs to be renewed annually.
Certification requires biodiversity and preservation of the ecosystem, soil husbandry, livestock integration, absolutely no genetically engineered organisms, and a view of the farm as a living holistic organism.

Demeter Certification in the USA

In the United States, Demeter USA ( has provided biodynamic certification service since 1985.  After the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2002 set up the National Organic Program (NOP), Demeter USA formed Stellar Certification Services so that Demeter certified producers could also be legally  labeled as organic.
In this strange world we live in, where some things are just plain backward, Demeter USA had to take the step to form Stellar Certification Services--even though Demeter standards are far higher than those required for the NOP!
There is a plus, however.  Demeter USA points out that "Choosing both certification through Demeter/Stellar saves time and money, as only one application fee, one inspection, and one royalty fee are required, offering our farmers un-paralled value and expertise in the world of sustainable agriculture certification."
Furthermore, some customers, familiar with Demeter's high standards, willingly pay more for Demeter certified biodynamic produce than for the sometimes questionable NOP labeled food.



Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is Your Organic Food Really Organic?

Use Kinesiology to Tell if "Organic Food" is Really Organic!

I've been using kinesiology for years and can tell in an instant whether so-called "organic" is really organic.  Not only can I tell whether food is healthful for me, I can tell exactly how healthful it is. 
This is important, because, although a particular food might generally be good for me, and for you, it might not at the moment--because of my condition--be good for me. 
Not only that, I can verify the differences between various certified organic methods.  Some organic foods, depending on how they are produced, are clearly far better than others!

Using Kinesiology to Test Is a Big Subject

But Chances Are, You Can Learn!

You, and others can learn kinesiology, and I'm happy to help you.  For this reason, I'll use this and other postings to help you learn.  Once you can tell exactly what is and what is not organic, you can also apply the technique to many other areas of your life.

How I've Come to Know What's "Organic" and What's Not

But First of All, What Is Kinesiology?


Kinesiology, specifically "applied kinesiology," is so-called muscle testing.  Most of you who have encountered it, for example, while under going treatment by an alternative health care provider, have participated in two-person kinesiology.  The health care provider was the tester.  You were the subject.  That's how many years ago I first learned about kinesiology, during a treatment by a chiropractor.
Many years later, I learned that you and I don't need a partner to do kinesiology.  We can do it by ourselves.  We can do so-called O-ring kinesiology.
This involves creating an electrical circuit by making a ring with two fingers of one hand.  Then, with two fingers of the opposite hand, we attempt to break the circuit, by "breaking" the ring, parting the ring fingers.  Whenever we fail to break the circuit, break the ring (It holds very firm), the response to any Yes/No question we've asked is a positive Yes!
Whenever our question gets a negative No, the ring held together by our fingers easily breaks.  The circuit breaks.  We get a definite No!
You can get detailed instructions on how to learn O-ring kinesiology from various books by Machaelle Small Wright, founder of Perelandra Center for Nature Research, Warrenton, Virginia
(  On the website, you will also find a link to "Perelandra on YouTube," where Wright demonstrates how easy kinesiology is to learn.
Dramatic as her her demo is, I recommend getting one of her books. Most contain several  pages of instructions, with illustrations.  Kinesiology is a technique somewhat like learning how to use one of our five senses.  Using any of them, we can make mistakes, think we see or hear something and learn later (sometimes moments later, sometime ages later) that we're mistaken.  Wright gives invaluable tips on how to avoid errors. 
In another post, I'll give additional information of kinesiology and how it can be used--especially to distinguish between what's really organic and what is not!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Real-time Communication for Organic Food Retailers

I'm creating an Internet-based communication service linking all players in the organic food world: Consumers, Farmers/Ranchers, Retailers, Wholesalers, Processors, Food Servers  (in companies, hospitals, schools, retirement homes, etc.), and Restaurateurs.  In succeeding posts, I'll examine the needs of each player.

Today, I'm looking at Retailers.  Because I'm not any of the role players I've listed above--except for Consumer--I need help from all of you.  I can only imagine your needs.  Here are what I think might help retailers:

Instant Contact With Both Organic Food Suppliers and With Your Customers!

Our communication service--unlike any now existing--wherever you do business as a retailer, will link you instantly both to customers and to those you buy from, farmers, wholesalers, and processors, whether nearby or far away.

Instantly Check Out Supplier Organic Food Offerings and Customer Desires

Use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to see specific organic food products your current (and prospective) customers want, and likewise, see the specific organic food products offered by current (and prospective) wholesalers, farmers, and processors.

Organic Food Inventory Control as Never Before!

Not only can you plan inventory more cost-effectively, but your suppliers (seeing your needs electronically) can also plan their offerings and shipments more efficiently.

Moreover, just as you can better plan your purchases with real-time communication,  your
customers (viewing your organic food offerings electronically) can also better plan their shopping!

Take Our Survey

Learn more about what I'm planning, and please give me your comments!  Check this link:

You can learn still more at 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Champion Bees to Save Organic Food and All Food!

An Organic Food Disaster is already Here!

Few who champion organic food--maybe some farmers but almost no one else--realize the desperate plight of bees throughout the world and how much mankind's food supply depends on them.
Some 90 years ago, the philosopher, educator, and scientist of the spirit, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), to whom we also owe the biodynamic organic cultivation method, foresaw what has come to pass in the 21st century--the collapse of bee hives.
Our lack of understanding of bees and their irreplaceable role in agriculture, plus our large-scale monoculture, has led to their demise.  A magnificent educational film, suitable for schools and community gatherings, tells the sorry story of our loss, but also our hope for renewal of the art and science of beekeeping

What Are the Bees Telling Us?

In his documentary, Taggart Siegel, director of the award-winning film The Real Dirt Farmer John, shows us the global bee crisis, the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysteries of the world of the beehive. 
I have seen his remarkable film:  Queen of the Sun--What Are the Bees Telling Us?  I highly recommend it! 
The more people around the world see how our unnatural and inorganic industrial farming techniques destroy bees and the foundation of all our livelihoods--never mind whether folks appreciate or understand organic food or what it is all about--the more our fellow human beings will begin to comprehend that we are all in this world together.  We all depend on bees, believers in organic food or not!

Let the Bees Tell You!

To learn more about the film, and to learn how you can show it, go to 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Real-time Communication for Farmers

I'm creating an Internet-based communication service linking all players in the organic food world:  Consumers, Farmers/Ranchers, Retailers, Wholesalers, Processors, Food Suppliers (in companies, hospitals, schools, retirement homes, etc.), and Restaurateurs.  In succeeding posts, I'll examine the needs of each role player.

This time I'm looking at farmers.  I'm not any of the role players that I've listed above--except for Consumer.  I need help from all of you.  I can only imagine your needs.  Here are what I think would help farmers:

Wherever you farm, wouldn't it help to have a communication service to link you instantly with local and prospective buyers of organic food, as well as prospective buyers far away? 

These buyers could be organic food wholesalers, processors, retailers, food services (at companies, schools, hospitals, retirement communities), even restaurants?

Wouldn't you like to use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to reach them?

Nothing's Static about the Weather, Is It?

Wouldn't you like to be able to offer current and prospective buyers your crops and animals  when they're really ready to market?

Wouldn't you like to make real-time changes in your offerings to buyers when weather, harvest shortages or surpluses happen?

Couldn't you--and your customers--plan more realistically with this capability?

Take Our Survey

Learn more about what I'm planning, and please give me your comments!  Check this Link:

You can learn still more at



Saturday, February 9, 2013


Connecting Players in the Organic Food World

The organic food world has many players--Consumers and Providers--who act both locally and from afar.  I'd like to connect all participants, no matter their role--to satisfy everyone's needs more effectively--buyers and sellers.

Real-time Communication

I want to transform the world of organic food via real-time communications.  Just reach for your smartphone, tablet, or computer.  Make a few selections and press GO!  My organic food communications service will link you instantly with resources you seek, local or far away. 

Organic Food Locally Grown?

Kosher?  Halal?  Biodynamic?
I want to give consumers choice, freedom to choose whether they prefer organic food grown locally, and/or meeting kosher, halal, or biodynamic standards.

Favorite Organic Food Categories

When either buying or selling--depending on which role you play--wouldn't you like to specify electronically exactly what types of food you want to buy or sell?  And give and get instant answers?
Choose from overall categories (and more specific types within each):
Meat, Seafood, Baked Goods, Vegetables, Fruit, Grains and Flours
Milk, Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Yogurt, Spices, Jams and Jellies
Nuts, Desserts, Wine, Beer, Oils and Salad Dressings
I'd like to hear from you, know what role you play in the organic food world, and what you think of the real-time service I'm developing:  Please help me, learn more and take my survey:



Friday, February 8, 2013

The Creme de la Creme Organic Farming Metod

In 2013, The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association will be 75 years old, making it the oldest sustainable agricultural organization in the United States.  A few devoted practitioners got together in 1938 to form the organization and three years later started  the journal Biodynamics.

What is Biodynamics?
Biodynamics is a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, food production, and nutrition. 

It was developed in the early 1920s in Europe based on the spiritual insights and practical suggestions of the Austrian writer, lecturer, educator, and social activist Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) whose world outlook is known as "anthroposophy."
According to The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association (, "Biodynamic farmers strive to create a diversified, balanced farm ecosystem that generates health and fertility as much as possible from within the farm itself.
"Today, the biodynamic movement encompasses thousands of successful gardens, farms, vineyards and agricultural operations of all kinds and sizes on all continents, in a wide variety of ecological and economic settings.
"Preparations made from fermented manure, minerals and herbs are used to restore and harmonize the vital forces of the farm and to enhance the nutrition, quality and flavor of the food being raised. 
"Biodynamic practitioners also recognize and strive to work in cooperation with the subtle influences of the wider cosmos on soil, plant and animal health."


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


     When a major metropolitan daily newspaper features, on its Business Page, an organic food entrepreneur, times are changing!
     The San Diego Union-Tribune, recently renamed U-T San Diego, devoted more than a page (February 5, 2013) to U.S. Olympic athlete Kristen Buchanan's organic food enterprise.  Buchanan (formerly Kris Fillat) played for the women's field hockey team before retiring in 2001.
     After retiring, she opened a 1,000-square-foot cafe in a San Diego Business park and called it the GoodOnYa Deli, making and selling organic food made from ingredients supplied by local farmers and suppliers.   Ingredients included cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, chutney, mushrooms, raw honey, and organic sugar.
The GoodOnYa Bar
     Thereafter, she created The GoodOnYa Bar, a snack in three varieties now sold in some 100 health food stores.  This month she is introducing a fourth bar, called the Superhero, 100 percent raw, of coconut butter, sprouted flax, hemp seeds, maca, goji berries, and lucuma (Peruvian fruit).
Buchanan's "Food for Thought"
       "I have learned a lot about nutrition over the years, and even went back to school and became a certified nutritionist.  I became passionate about the state of food in our country.  And if you look at the state of the health of our country--we are literally killing ourselves.
     "It's time to understand what we are eating, find local sources and tap back into decisions that benefit the Earth.  When you drink a sports drink with a coloring that is petroleum-based, you are supporting the companies that think it's OK to put chemicals in your body.  Those companies don't care about anything except profits.  And the health of the Earth, as well as the health of your body, doesn't cross their mind."

Consumers + Providers United = Power!

In this blog, I examine organic food and foster its cultivation, consumption, and trade worldwide.

Who am I?

I grew up at the edge of a village in southern Wisconsin (USA) where as a boy my task, every other day, sunshine, snow, or rain, was to fetch a half gallon of milk for our family from the farm up the hill.  More than once, a bull in the farmer's yard scared me and at other times I slipped on ice and spilt the milk!

As a grownup, mostly, my career has been in marketing communications.  For more on my background, see

Why this blog?

I want the community of organic food consumers and providers to become more conscious--to wake up to one another.  The organic food movement, now scattered and largely local, can become a force to change the world--if only it will!

I am designing and developing a communication service to help consumers and providers of organic food reach out to one another based on specific product needs, using their smartphones, tablets, and/or computers.  More on this in later postings.

Who are members of the organic food community?

You are, if you consume, raise, or in some way process, distribute, sell, or serve organic food 

In later postings, I'll look more closely on the needs of each of you as a consumer, farmer/rancher, processor, wholesaler, retailer, food server (at schools, companies, hospitals, retirement communities, etc.) and restaurants.  And I'll hope to hear from you about your needs!