Tuesday, January 28, 2014

President Obama Reminded of 2007 Campaign Pledge to Label GMO Foods

Four U.S. Lawmakers Support Over 200 Food Companies and Others With Letter Delivered to Obama

On January 16, 2014, with the support of four U.S. lawmakers, more than 200 food companies, organic farming groups, health and environmental organizations and other groups, in a letter addressed to U.S. President Obama, urged labeling of food products containing genetically engineered ingredients. 

A Campaign Promise Reminder

The letter reminded Obama that as he campaigned in Iowa in 2007, he had promised to work toward labeling GMO foods.

Major Organizational Advocates

Organizations signing the letter included:
  • Ben & Jerry's--the ice cream maker
  • Nature's Path--the cereal maker
  • Stonyfield Farms--maker of yogurt
  • Consumer Federation of America
  • Other environmental and health organizations

Lawmaker Supporters

Four Democratic U.S. lawmakers held a press conference to endorse the call to Obama for mandatory labeling:
  • U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio, Oregon
  • U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut
  • U.S. Representative Ann McLane Kuster, New Hampshire
  • U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree, Maine


Hear the Call, President Obama!


Choose Either


GMO Money




Our Nation's Health!


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Monday, January 27, 2014

Enhanced Organic Food

The Biodynamic Cultivation Method

Tops All Other Organic Methods!

Few folks realize that some organic food is far superior to others.  Moreover, too few have even heard of the biodynamic method of farming and gardening.


The First Truly Organic Method

Biodynamics is a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, to food production, and to nutrition.  It originated in the 1920s based on the spiritual insights and practical suggestions of the Austrian writer, educator, and social activist Rudolf Steiner, whose world outlook is known as "anthroposophy."
Today, the biodynamic movement encompasses thousands of successful gardens, farms, vineyards, and agricultural operations of many kinds and sizes on all continents and in a wide variety of ecological and economic settings.


A New Testing Technique You can Use When You Shop for Organic Food

or Anything Else!

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D (1927-2012)  pioneered the use of kinesiological testing (muscle testing) to determine the relative healthfulness (or truthfulness) of any visible or invisible (mental, spiritual) item or object.
In his book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (Revised Edition 2012), Hawkins shows the extraordinary potential to discern scientifically  through kinesiology the health value of virtually anything.   He demonstrates that using applied kinesiology--the technique widely used by alternative healthcare providers, such as chiropractors--a user can calibrate or measure the relative healthfulness (or truthfulness) of any visible or invisible (mental, spiritual) item, subject, or object.
One of Hawkin's major contributions is his Map of Consciousness which consists of a
logarithmic scale (from 1 to 1,000) against which anything tested can be calibrated (measured).

The Dividing Point

On his logarithmic scale, he discovered that everything tested (He made thousands of tests) that registered 200 or better was healthful (true).  Everything calibrating below 200 was unhealthful, debilitating (false) and to be avoided.

My Revealing Organic Food Tests

I learned kinesiology before I had even heard of Hawkins and his work.  I use so-called O-Ring Kinesiology, which a person can do by himself.  The more formal kinesiology used by Hawkins for his scientific purposes and the kind so widely used by alternative healthcare providers requires two people, a tester and a subject.
Here are my testing results:
So-called "natural food"  calibrates at 200.  In other words, it's healthful! 
Organic Food calibrates at 205.  It is far more healthful.
Food produced by the biodynamic method calibrates at 215.  Because Hawkins' scale is logarithmic, biodynamic food is by far the most healthful food available on our planet!

But Most Alarming of All!

Most alarming of all is the calibration for food tainted in any way by by genetically modified organisms (GMOs).  Foods containing even traces of GMOs calibrate at -15 (minus 15).  In other words, ingesting foods containing GMOs is like taking poison!  Deadly, deadly, deadly!
Broadcast the health-giving value of biodynamic food!
Avoid at all cost, any food containing GMOs!

Wake Up World! 


Wake Up!


Wake Up!


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Monday, January 20, 2014

General Mills Dips One Tiny Toe in the Organic Food Field

Behemoth General Mills Publicizes

 Organic Tomatoes in a Can

The massive giant General Mills, sensing the need to "get with it,"  now boasts of offering organic canned tomatoes raised on a tiny plot of land in California.

In the Overall Organic Farming Field, What are 13 Acres?

General Mills recently announced the release of its 2013 Reserve Tomato Harvest, under its Muir Glen brand raised on a 13-acre plot of land on a Muir Glen California farm.

Testing the Organic Cereals Market, Too!

Another example of the giant's toe dipped in the organic food field:  General Mills recently started manufacturing its original Cheerios breakfast cereal--without genetically modified organisms (GMOs), because of growing concerns among consumers and activist groups of artificial ingredients in its food products.

Money More Than Customers' Health Concerns May Motivate General Mills

Stock evaluator Zacks ranks other food companies higher.  They all carry a Zacks rank of #2 (Buy).


Please, General Mills,


Lead the Way


Make All Your Products







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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Taiwan Plans to Tripple Organic Farm Land by 2020

All Children will Savor a Weekly Meal of Organic Vegetables

Taiwan's Council of Agriculture is serious about organic food.  So  that 346,000 elementary-to-high school students may experience one meal featuring organic vegetables each week, the Council plans to triple land used for organic farming.
Achievements in the development of organic farming have already enabled organic farming to expand to 5,930 hectares, up from just 2,356 hectares in 2008.

A 10-Year Policy to Promote and Expand the Supply Chain of Organic Food

According to The China Post (January 1, 2014), the tripling of organic farmland  is part of a 10-year policy to transform the organic food chain.  To promote the growth and sales of organic produce, the Council has set up:
  • 14 "designated areas"
  • 12 farming villages
  • 120 service counters
  • 140 online shops

May Many Other Nations


Large and Small


East and West


Take Comparable Action!

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wake Up Before It's Too Late!

The United Nations Urges Us to Switch Back to Sustainable, More Organic, Local, Small-scale Farming

Nick Mayer of AltHealthWORKS, writing for Technology Water sums up well the contrary positions of the U.S. government and the United Nations (UN):
Even  as the U.S. government continues to push for the use of more chemically-intensive and corporate-dominated farming methods such as GMOs and monoculture-based crops, the United Nations is once again sounding the alarm about the urgent need to return to (and develop) a more sustainable, natural and organic system.

Are the UN and 60 Experts from Around the World Wrong?

The UN Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) took its stand in the publication Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before It's Too Late (http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ditcted2012d3_en.pdf).

What the UN Calls For

  • Shift to local, small-scale farms
  • Shift to local, small-scale food systems
  • Reduce use of chemical fertilizers
  • Move rapidly from monoculture to diversity in farming


On the Contrary

These pending global trade deals will have just the opposite effects, for they are "primarily designed to strengthen the hold of multinational corporate and financial firms on the global economy". . . instead of "the urgent need for a shift in agriculture":
  • Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
  • U.S.--EU Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)


Wake Up!


Wake Up!




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