So Say the Bees!
I've just had the privilege of two viewings of the acclaimed documentary Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us? (;
More than one thing appears to cause what beekeepers call Colony Collapse Disorder, the mass destruction of beehives worldwide. Because bees pollinate 40% of all food we eat, this destructive, global epidemic must concern all of us! Overcoming monoculture in farming can help remedy this man-made catastrophe.
Monoculture--Agriculture's Great Sin!
If we cultivate single crops of cotton, wheat, corn, soy beans, or lettuce in enormous tracts stretching acre upon acre--even miles on end--we not only deplete the soil, we prevent Nature's normal interplay of a multitude of organic elements.
Our intellect tells us of how marvelously we can employ all sorts of ingenious mechanical devices and machinery to avoid the drudgery of cultivating organically. Little do we realize that when we dominate, conquer, and extract from the land solely to make money, we destroy ourselves.
What the Bees Say
The bees say to farm enterprises concerned chiefly about profits:
You have decimated the landscape--yours and ours--destroyed all natural balance in the environment!
Why must you import and pay for truckloads of bees from who knows where--even from abroad?
- Because we bees cannot survive on your scorched land--without access to flowers--a wide variety of flowering plants.
- Because we bees after searching for nectar cannot find our way home to our hives, because you spray poisonous insecticides that paralyze our nervous systems.
- Because we become disoriented traveling by truck so far from the home where we originate.
- Because the industrialized beekeeping enterprise from whom you buy us by the truckload artificially inseminates our queen bees, thereby degenerating Nature's healing ways.
You and most of mankind have lost all sense for what is life, for what is organic!
Where Healing Can Begin
What the bees say:
There are many ways you might reverse your cataclysmic actions. Here are a few:
- Rotate crops
- Set up permanent beehives in your fields and orchards
- Plant rows, plots, acres of flowering shrubs wherever possible
- Nurture the soil--replace chemical fertilizers with organic material
- Replace chemical pesticides with organic methods to control pests
Love the Earth!
The bees say:
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