Friday, May 31, 2013

Healthy Apples vs. Poisoned Apples

An Infallible Test Detects Which is Which!

An eminent scientist has demonstrated how any individual knowing kinesiology (muscle testing) can tell instantly--without touching or even looking at them--whether apples are organic or are contaminated by poisonous pesticides.
In his book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (Revised Edition, 2012), David R. Hawkins. M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012) shows how through countless replicable experiments he and associates demonstrated the power of kinesiology.  They show how this uncanny technique, now used widely by alternative healthcare providers, can be employed far beyond merely diagnosis and treatment.
Hawkins found that kinesiology can instantly detect the relative healthfulness of any substance, person, organization, or event in the past or present.

Testing what You and I Think!

What his tests "demonstrated was that the mere image of a substance held in the mind produced the same response as if the substance itself were in physical contact with the body.
As an example, we would hold up an apple grown with pesticides and ask the audience to look directly at it while being tested; All would go weak.
We would then hold up an organically grown apple, free of contaminants, and as the audience focused on it, they would instantly go strong.  In as much as no one in the audience knew which apple was which, nor for that matter, had any anticipation of the test at all, the reliability of the method was demonstrated to everyone's satisfaction."

You Can Develop This Skill, Too!

Although Hawkins as a scientist, bent on convincing fellow scientists, used "two-person kinesiology," the kind your chiropractor may use, you and I can with relative ease learn "one-person kinesiology" or so-called O-Ring Kinesiology.  This involves using one hand to form a ring (and consequently an electrical circuit) with a thumb and another finger of that hand and then attempting with fingers of the other hand to break the "ring" (or circuit).
To get details on learning O-ring kinesiology, consult works by Machaelle Small Wright and her Nature Research  Center known as Perelandra (see  One such work is her Co-Creative Science: A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions for Today's Health & Environment (1997).  On the bottom of the website's home page is a link to a brief You Tube video in which she demonstrates O-ring kinesiology.

An Organic Apple a Day

Keeps the Doctor Away


A Pesticide Permeated Apple a Day

 Draws the Undertaker Your Way


*  *  *

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

World Hunger and Organic Food

Not Just Over There Somewhere--

The Hungry are All Around Us!

The statistics appall me.  I don't need to quote them.  You can look them up.  Our big mistake is to believe that the problem of hunger is over there somewhere.  The hungry are everywhere!

Many Causes--Many Solutions

Both the "world hunger" over there somewhere and the hunger right here have many causes and many possible solutions.  Almost anywhere people live, homeless people pick through garbage looking for sustenance.

Even the Rich are Starving in Our Society!

The rich and wealthy may not pick through garbage cans.  Nevertheless, their bodies may starve from lack of appropriate nutrients.  Like so many in our society, rich--though they may be stuffed--or, poor--though they may be hungry--both are malnourished.

Organic Food Can Help

As a society--a whole world society--we need to change our ways!  Our thoughts, feelings, and deeds about food, its worth, its quality, its cultivation, its distribution, and its consumption need transformation.  We only need the will to change.  A little here locally--in our own household, neighborhood, and town--a bit there regionally, then nationally, finally, globally.

Living Thinking, Organic Thinking

Once we start thinking in living ways, valuing life-giving substances, not just profits for ourselves, but also how our actions and attitudes affect others, no matter how close or how far away they may be, every one's world will begin to change--however, incrementally.  Change will happen.  Change for the better.

Thinking With the Heart

Organic thinking can only be heart thinking, caring for others.  When we think organically, aware of our fellowmen, of the whole of creation and the needs of all earthly creatures, we will find ways to feed all on earth--even our own rich selves, malnourished as we too often are!

Long Live Our Organic Heart!


*  *  *


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

World Hunger and Organic Food

Not Just Over There Somewhere--

The Hungry are All Around Us!

The statistics appall me.  I don't need to quote the,  If you need figures go to

Monday, May 27, 2013

How a Small Local Grower Regards Organic Food

A San Diego County Grower's Viewpoint

I live in San Diego County, one of the largest counties in the lower 48 states.  Few people, even in California, know how big our county is, stretching from the Pacific to mountains and desert.
Our local San Diego daily, U-T San Diego published a short illustrated article today (May 27, 2013) on a  grower in Ramona, a small town east of the metropolis of San Diego.
Page's Organics farm grows a variety of vegetables and wine grapes without using synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.  In 2004,  Tom and Mary Page received "organic certification" for their farm from the federally accredited agency California Certified Organic Farmers.
Although neither grew up on a farm, they decided on farming a decade ago and declared, "It's a lifestyle we wanted to pursue," saying, "agriculture  has gotten so out of touch with the land and people's nutritional needs!"

San Diego County's Organic Farms

Although San Diego County has some 5,000 farms, giving it more farms than most counties in the U.S., only 368 are currently organic (7%).  Still, the number has increased by 26% since 2007.  The San Diego County Farm Bureau expects the trend to continue because of rising consumer demand.

Organic Farming Costs



Going organic has many costs, aside from the cost of land.  Nevertheless, the cost of getting certified is well worth it to Tom Page who says he spends $500 on annual membership fees and inspections to keep certified.  "It's not that much money when you look into it in the big picture, " for organic produce can fetch 15- to 20 percent more than crops grown the conventional way. 
The Pages know from their farm stand and dealing directly with customers that there's nothing like the taste of fresh organic produce!

Would that we had many, many more Tom and Mary Pages!

*  *  *

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Monoculture Agriculture is Killing Us!

So Say the Bees!

I've just had the privilege of two viewings of the acclaimed documentary Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us? (;
More than one thing appears to cause what beekeepers call Colony Collapse Disorder, the mass destruction of beehives worldwide.  Because bees pollinate 40% of all food we eat, this destructive, global epidemic must concern all of us!  Overcoming monoculture in farming can help remedy this man-made catastrophe.

Monoculture--Agriculture's Great Sin!

If we cultivate single crops of cotton, wheat, corn, soy beans, or lettuce in enormous tracts stretching acre upon acre--even miles on end--we not only deplete the soil, we prevent Nature's normal interplay of a multitude of organic elements.
Our intellect tells us of how marvelously we can employ all sorts of ingenious mechanical devices and machinery to avoid the drudgery of cultivating organically.  Little do we realize that when we dominate, conquer, and extract from the land solely to make money, we destroy ourselves.

What the Bees Say   

The bees say to farm enterprises concerned chiefly about profits:
You have decimated the landscape--yours and ours--destroyed all natural balance in the environment!
Why must you import and pay for truckloads of bees from who knows where--even from abroad?
  • Because we bees cannot survive on your scorched land--without access to flowers--a wide variety of flowering plants.
  • Because we bees after searching for nectar cannot find our way home to our hives, because you spray poisonous insecticides that paralyze our nervous systems.
  • Because we become disoriented traveling by truck so far from the home where we originate.
  • Because the industrialized beekeeping enterprise from whom you buy us by the truckload artificially inseminates our queen bees, thereby degenerating Nature's healing ways.
You and most of mankind have lost all sense for what is life, for what is organic!

Where Healing Can Begin

What the bees say:
There are many ways you might reverse your cataclysmic actions.  Here are a few:
  • Rotate crops
  • Set up permanent beehives in your fields and orchards
  • Plant rows, plots, acres of flowering shrubs wherever possible
  • Nurture the soil--replace chemical fertilizers with organic material
  • Replace chemical pesticides with organic methods to control pests

Love the Earth!

The bees say:

Above all, love the earth and have a heart for all its creatures!



*  *  *


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Satirizing the Food Industry

Such Satire is Also a Boon for Organic Food Lovers!

Satire has for centuries been a stiletto, a deftly wielded weapon to call attention to human failings.  The Food Industry is now feeling its stab.
On ScientificAmerican's guest blog--for which the magazine naturally offers a disclaimer--author Patrick Mustain  skewers the industry in:
"Dear American Consumers: Please Don't Start Eating Healthfully, Sincerely the Food Industry." (
Dear Consumers:
A disturbing trend has come to our attention.  You, the people, are thinking more about health, and you're starting to do something about it.  This cannot continue.
. . . . we're getting uneasy. . . .In 2009, Congress commissioned the Inter-agency Working Group (IWG) to develop standards for advertising foods to children. . . .We were dismayed when the IWG released its report in 2011. . . . This report was potentially devastating. . . . Thankfully, we have a ton of money and were able to get the IWG to withdraw the guidelines. 

Do You Want to Kill Us--Just to Save Yourselves?

. . . . our friends at General Mills pointed out that under the IWG guidelines, the most commonly consumed foods in the US would be considered unhealthy.
Specifically, according to General Mills, "of the 100 most commonly consumed foods and beverages in America, 88 would fail the IWG's proposed standards."
. . . .If you people start eating the way the nutrition experts . . . recommend that you eat, that would delegitimize almost 90% of the products we produce!  Do you realize how much money that would cost us?

Sigh!--Our CEO's will Suffer--Have a Heart!

. . . . According to the General Mills letter, if everyone in the US started to eat healthfully, it would cost us $503 billion per year! 
That might affect our ability to pay CEOs like General Mill's Ken Powell annual compensation of more than $12 million.

If  every there were a place for Satire--this is it!

*  *  *

Monday, May 20, 2013

Organic Food--Where Did it Come From? Where is it Now? Where is it Going?

The Past, Present, and Future of Organic Food


The Past


Not so long ago in human history, all food was natural, all food was organic.  No one questioned.  No one even applied "natural" or "organic" to food.  Whatever is self-evident, no one questions.
What got us questioning?  The modern era of science and technology brought big and little changes, some slowly, some fast.  Two great changes brought us to where we are now:
  • The mechanization of agriculture
  • The chemical industry 
The mechanization of agriculture, came slowly, but its gift, for better or worse, is our 21st century's factory farming.
The chemical industry began slowly, then suddenly permeated soils worldwide with its chemical fertilizers. 


Along the way, the notion of organic got lost--what with countless food additives and the devilish GMOs.  Now, most people find difficulty distinguishing between "organic" and "natural."  Is there any difference?
Of course, I'm simplifying several centuries of human history, including our own times. 
But, where are we, really?  True organic food, if the world understood it, would be priced out of the reach of most people, because it truly is precious.  Of course we pay a bit more than for its poor cousin "natural," but that's only because so few in our society realize its true worth.   If the multitudes recognized its value for every one's health--because of the rarity of organic food, prices would reach the heavens!

The Future

When the world gains, or regains, what it knew intuitively for ages--the concept of organic--we'll all have new health.  We'll have new appreciation for organic farming.  We'll have new appreciation for the countless middlemen who work to bring organic food products to local shopkeepers.  We'll have new appreciation for cooks at home, who feed organic meals to our families.  We'll also praise those who prepare organic meals for when we are away from home, needing to eat in restaurants, cafeterias in schools, companies, hospitals, or retirement homes.

We'll have a brave, new world, a healthy one!

*  *  *

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Three Cheers for the U.S. Farm to School Movement!

All Organic Food Enthusiasts Should Support

The National Farm to School Network!

Admittedly, the movement in the U.S. known as The National Farm to School Network ( shows no signs of advocating organic food specifically.  Nevertheless, in this day, when urban children are so alienated from nature and "where food comes from," I am heartened to learn about this organization that "aims to enable every child to have access to nutritious food while simultaneously benefiting communities and local farmers."
Farm to School, as the organization calls itself, connects schools (k-12) and local farms in order to serve healthy meals in school cafeterias, to improve student nutrition, and to support local and regional farmers.  For the school year 2011-2012, Farm to School  tells us about its achievements:
  •  States with operational programs:  50
  •  Number of schools involved:  12,429
  •  Number of students reached:  5,746,400
Dollar amount spent on locally purchased foods:  $13 million

Local Relationships Matter!

To establish relationships between local food sources and school children, Farm to School programs include:
  •  Local products in school meals--breakfast, lunch, and after-school snacks.

  •  Food-related learning opportunities through school gardens, farm tours, classroom sessions with farmers and chefs, culinary education, sessions with parents and community members, and visits to farmers' markets.


A Great Many Benefit From the Farm to School Movement

Both children and communities learn about how attitudes affect agriculture, food, nutrition, and the environment.
By taking part in school meal programs, children, parents, schools, and the community learn about the value of eating fruits and vegetables, reducing hunger, and preventing obesity.
Marketing opportunities increase for local farmers, fishers, ranchers, food processors, and retailers.
The emphasis on local growth, local distribution, and local consumption decreases  the amount of greenhouse gases generated (as whenever food is hauled over long distances)--because transportation, too, is local!

Thank you,

National Farm to School Network!

*  *  *

Monday, May 13, 2013

GMO Foods--The Most Dangerous on the Planet!

Former Pro-GMO Scientist Refutes All Claims

 But Little Does He Know the Real Dangers!

Thierry Vrain, a former research scientist for Agriculture Canada, who retired 10 years ago, now refutes all claims that genetically engineered crops and foods are safe.  In an article May 6, 2013, he tells it like it is:
I refute the claims of the biotechnology companies that their engineered crops yield more, that they require less pesticide applications, that they have no impact on the environment, and that they are safe to eat.  The scientific literature is full of studies showing that engineered corn and soya contain toxic or allergenic proteins. 
For those who doubt his new stance,  he says, take a look at the June 2012 compilation "GMO Myths and Truths" of over 500 government reports and scientific articles published in peer reviewed journals, some with the highest recognition in the world (  This 120 page, free report disputes claims of the biotech industry that GMO crops yield better and more nutritious food, save on use of pesticides, have no environmental impact and are safe to eat.

The Science That Tells of Far Greater Dangers!

The late David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D (1927-2012), a pioneer in applied kinesiology, created a scientific system to evaluate the positivity or negativity, healthfulness or harmfulness of any ideas, substances, or events.  If I apply Hawkins logarithmic scale to GMOs, detailed in his book Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (Second Edition, 2012),  the results are as scary as they can get!
On Hawkins' scale, running from 1 to 1,000, where 1 is a single living cell and 1,000 is the highest consciousness a human can develop and the ultimate truth of humanity's great religions at their origins, before they became watered down,  the number 200 is the fulcrum dividing truth from falsehood, positive from negative, health-giving from health-destroying.  Anyone learning kinesiology can test Hawkins' findings, though they were arrived at via countless replicable experiments.

What Kinesiological Findings Show About Our Food

Using kinesiology, here's what I find (and anyone learning kinesiology can corroborate!).  Recall that numbers calibrating at 200 or above show that the foods are healthful, those foods with lower numbers induce illness:
  • 215--Foods raised byodynamically, certified by Demeter
  • 210--Organically raised and certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • 200--So-called "natural foods"

  • 160--Foods microwaved
  • - 0 (minus zero!) foods containing GMOs

Harmful Beyond Our Ken!

No one knows how bad GMOs are for humans or for the earth!  Mankind has never faced such harm before.  Even the most ardent anti-GMO scientists and activists--because they've never heard of David R. Hawkins and his groundbreaking work--have no concept for the harm GMOs are working on humankind and on our earth!



Saturday, May 11, 2013

City Gardener With a Passion

Los Angeles Ron Finley Gardens

Where No Man Has Gone Before!

If you want to humanize a city, take inhabitants back to their roots--vegetable roots, that is--where do you start?
If you are Roy Finley living in a downtrodden Los Angeles neighborhood, you begin planting in your yard and on the city's 150-by-10-foot median strip outside your house.  No square foot of hard-packed sod or patch of crabgrass dare be ignored.
An inspiring article in The New York Times (Sunday, May 5, 2013) by David Hochman describes the whirlwind that Ron Finley stirred up beginning in 2010 when he planted a sidewalk garden "to reduce grocery expenses and to avoid the 45-minute roundtrip to Whole Foods."
That got the city's Bureau of Street Services to cite and fine him $400.00 for gardening without a permit on city property.  Fortunately, activists got the city to relent.

Latent City Land Just Waiting for Transformation!

To dramatize the city's potential, Finley estimates that Los Angeles owns "26 square miles of vacant lots, an area equivalent to 20 Central Parks [in New York City], with enough space for 724,838,400 tomato plants"!

Pavement-Pounding Johnny Appleseed 

Article author David Hochman calls Finley a "pavement-pounding Johnny Appleseed," implying that his attitudes and actions can transform cities.  Finley's activities have already landed him on TED's website with the message that edible gardens are the antidote to inner-city health issues.

Shovels Not Guns!


Finley pictures a future full of shovels, not guns, and mint and marjoram instead of drugs.  He says,
I want our inner-city churches to become ministries of health instead of places that serve up fried, fattening foods.  I want to clean up my yard, my street and my 'hood.
I saw a kid walking down the street listening to music when he came face to face with one of my giant Russian Mammoth sunflowers. . . 'Yo, he said, 'is that real?
He thought it was a prop or something.  That's what I want on my streets.  Flowers so big and magnificent, they'll blow a kid's mind.

 *  *  *



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Middlemen for Organic Foods are Missing!

The Dearth of Organic Food Middlemen

 as Shown in San Diego County

Few people, even residents, realize that San Diego County, in the U.S.A., has over 6,000 small farms!  A recent story (May 4, 2013) in San Diego's daily, U-T San Diego, describes the huge gap between these farmers and institutional would-be purchasers of produce, whether "natural" or organic.
U-T San Diego reports, "Small farmers in Southern California are finding new customers through a San Diego initiative to create healthier diets in schools.  The effort is part of a larger movement by the National Farm to School Network (, founded in 2007 by more than 30 organizations to connect growers in their areas."
Julia Anne Arnett, senior manager of operations and food systems for the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative said, " You'd think it would be easy to find the small produce growers, but it hasn't been easy."
The newspaper report goes on to say, ". . . with no single broker between growers and schools, the first step can be a logistical maze for districts."

Never Mind Organic--Just Find Middlemen!

How can organic food be fostered for school kitchens, or restaurants, when middlemen linking local growers and would-be buyers in bulk are scarce or don't even exist?
One small middleman, Al Vandendriesse of American Produce Distributors in Chula Vista, a suburb of San Diego, says school districts will pay more for organically grown produce but it costs about the same to buy locally versus from large, out-of-state farms.  It may be even less expensive because of the savings in transporting the produce.

Getting Paid Can be the Issue!

Although growers make less, he says, by selling to school districts than to produce markets and restaurants, "The advantage to distributing to school districts is that we get paid.  That might sound simple, but there's a number who don't get paid because restaurants tend to grow broke a lot."


In other words, getting fresh organic food into school cafeterias and restaurants

 is no simple matter

--even if farmers grow plenty!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cut and Kill Vs. Organic

Every Thought Heals or Destroys

A New York Times headline today (May 3, 2013) is symptomatic of all that ails mankind.  The headline reads "Study Finds No Single Cause to Honeybee Deaths."  The same might be said for cancer, suicides, autism, or attacks by terrorists.
Our honeybee crisis, manifested in Colony Collapse Disorder, sometimes leaving 90% of hives decimated, is a dramatic example of where our thinking has gone astray.  Mary R. Berenbaum, head of the department of entomology at the university at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois,  and who participated in a study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cited by the newspaper, states our dilemma clearly:
It's not a simple matter of just removing pesticides.  It is difficult to predict the effect of removing   one of 100 different contaminants. 
There is no quick fix.  Patching one hole in a boat that leaks everywhere is not going to keep it from sinking.

What Will Keep Our Boat From Sinking?

Our entire society may sink--along with honeybees collapse--unless we rapidly change our thinking!  Everyone on earth is so interdependent on each other, so interrelated, so mutually influenced by each one's thoughts, feelings, and deeds that until we wake up to this reality and act holistically we may all sink together!

Our Cut and Kill Mentality

Our politics, science, medicine, and criminal justice system focus largely on what can be cut out or killed to "make things better."  This is essentially a deadly approach, leading to deadly results. 

Moving Toward Wholeness and Health--The Additive Principle

I am reminded of what I learned years ago when I studied acting in New York City at the studio of Broadway actor Paul Mann, who had  studied with the Russian actor and director Michael Chekov (1891-1955).   
With Chekov's Additive Principle, in order to build a character, the actor adds one characteristic or trait at time.  In doing so, he not only "builds character" he also in the process overcomes personal flaws, bad habits he has as an actor.  What he adds, as he builds, becomes so powerful, so much a part of him, his dramatic personage, that his own, personal negative traits and habits melt away.  He overcomes the bad by adding the good!
Whereas focusing on flaws and bad habits merely enhance them, causing the actor to fear, hesitate, and essentially to weaken.  Good educators everywhere know this.  They help their students overcome weaknesses by building on their strengths.
We can only overcome the poisons and weaknesses of our society by focusing on and adding positive, holistic thoughts, feelings, and deeds.  We need to think organically!

Instead of  Destroyers of life,

We can become Creators!







Thursday, May 2, 2013

Using Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) to Test Organic Food

Most Anyone Can Do It!

Almost no one realizes that he has within his own power--within his very own hands--the means to tell whether the food in front of him is "organic" or not.  The moment you learn kinesiology (it's easy!) you can tell whether food, or any substance, is healthful or will harm.
I've been using one-person kinesiology, called O-ring kinesiology, for over 7 years.  I simply ask a question that can be answered with a Yes or No, and instantly I have an answer.  
No, I'm not a health care professional.  Like the dean of kinesiology, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012),  the health care professionals that use kinesiology for diagnosis (chiropractors, for example) use two-person kinesiology.  This requires a tester and a subject (the patient).
The tester, with a slight touch of a finger on the outstretched arm of his patient, tries to push the arm down.  If he can (and it usually goes down fast), the tester knows that the patient has a weakness that needs treatment.  If the arm remains firm and parallel to the ground, no matter how hard he pushes with his finger, the patient is strong in the area tested--no treatment needed.

Testing for What's Organic All By Yourself

A good way to learn O-ring kinesiology and do your own testing is to consult one of the books by Machaelle Small Wright, founder in 1977 of a nature research center in Warrenton, Virginia.  The center's name, Perelandra, is also the name of its website (  In many of her books, such as Co-Creative Science: A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions for Today's Health & Environment (1997), she gives illustrated instructions.  The website's homepage at the bottom also links to a brief YouTube video in which she demonstrates kinesiology.
Although I've known for years how to diagnose for flower essences produced by Perelandra, I had no idea of how revolutionary this kinesiology tool was.  Not until I read Hawkins' Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (1995; Second Edition 2012) did I begin to realize what a powerful skill I had acquired!

No Equipment Needed--Just You and Your Hands!

I can test for organic anywhere, at any time.  I don't even need the product in front of me.  It can be in a flyer or catalog.  I simply need to ask,  "Does this product calibrate  at 200 or over?"  The number 200 is what Hawkins found was the fulcrum on what he called the Map of Human Consciousness, a logarithmic scale he devised, that divides substances, situations, etc., between beneficial and detrimental.  If a substance tests below 200, it's harmful; if 200 or above, it's healthful.
I know this sounds goofy, if not mystical!  However, anyone who reads his book and learns of the countless replicable experiments on which his findings are based, will begin to comprehend the magnitude of his work.  It's also worth knowing that Hawkins co-authored a book with Nobelist Linus Pauling!

Simple Questions, Powerful Results!

I don't even need to refer to the number 200.  All I need to ask is, "Are these asparagus 'organic'?"
Or, "Will this be good for me?"  I'll get an answer instantly. 
However, by using the scale Hawkins devised, I can also determine the relative healthfulness of anything.  If I ask, how do the following calibrate on the Hawkins scale, I get:
Ordinary so-called "Natural" Food--200
USDA Certified Organic--210
Demeter Certified Biodynamic--215

The Difference Is Enormous!

Here's what Hawkins says:
"It's very important to remember that calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic, but a logarithmic, progression.  Thus, the level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 10 to the 300th power.  An increase of even a few points represents a major advance in power; the rate of increase as we move up the scale is enormous."

Do You See What Potential Power You and I have?



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Organic Food in Backyard, Rooftop, and Balcony Gardens

Growing Organic Food Almost Anywhere

A month ago, as my cupboard was in danger of going bare,  I suddenly remembered "our" orange tree.  I live a 45-minute drive north of San Diego, California, in a city by the sea.  The development in which I have lived for many years is what California law calls a Planned Unit Development (PUD).  I own one-fourth of the "fourplex" where I reside.  However, together with all the other 120 owners in the community (there are 30 fourplexes), I own all the outside areas, the pool, tennis court, and all landscaped areas.

My Orange Tree

I suddenly recalled the spot, at the back of a walkway, rarely noticed by most residents, where a magnificent tree stands--heavily laden with oranges.  Why had I never noticed the tree, with its magnificent golden fruit?  Oh, why?  Why are we often so unobservant?  And it is my orange tree!  Just as it belongs to all my other residential neighbors, apparently just as unobservant as I!
Many times since I first made acquaintance with the tree, I've taken a pair of shears and gone orange picking, loading up a paper shopping bag with the makings of what has become delicious, almost seed-free orange juice for my breakfasts.
Admittedly, the oranges are not "organically certified."  The are, however, unquestionably "natural."  Although our landscaping crew sprays pesticides elsewhere, they have left the tall orange tree alone.

We Are Our Own Resource!

In my last posting, I spoke of how retailers--and all of us who seek organic food--want more, more variety, more certainty that what we eat is truly organic.  We tend to forget, however, that even we city dwellers can contribute to our organic needs by growing our own produce!
So-called Urban Agriculture is growing.  City dwellers are finding ways to raise food in unexpected ways and unexpected places.  And not just produce, sometimes animals!  City dwellers are cultivating food on their balconies, rooftops, and sometimes even in pots indoors, without even realizing that this cultivation is helping to "green" their cities, as well as boosting their own health. 

Join the Urban Farmers!

Learn how to grow your own.  Google such phrases as "Patio Gardening," "Rooftop Gardening," "Container Gardening," as well as "Organic Gardens," and kindred terms.  Learn from your findings.  If you can't find enough organic food where you live, consider raising your own.  Cities in some localities are even getting rid of restrictions on chicken raising and beehives within city limits.  If you're more into pets than produce, you might acquire chickens to provide you with your own eggs or a beehive to cultivate the bees and their honey that are more and more endangered.
But do look into what organic cultivation is all about.  I especially favor biodynamic cultivation (Look up "biodynamics").  The world needs more organic farmers and gardeners--especially those who understand and appreciate biodynamics!

We Are Our Own Resource!