Transnational Corporations Are Given Power Over Countries' Environmental and Food Safety Laws!
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) on June 13, 2013, petitioned President Obama and Interim Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro to allow the U.S. Congress and the public access to the negotiating process and draft texts currently kept secret regarding:
- The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Subverting Democracy at Home and Abroad
According to the Organic Consumers Association (, over 600 corporations and trade groups have had access to the proposals and draft texts--just not the U.S. Congress!
Leaked texts say that
- By "harmonizing" food safety standards, the U.S. and participating countries would be forced to conform to the lowest common denominator standards of the countries involved.
- Both agreements give transnational corporations "special rights" beyond domestic businesses and citizens that would essentially allow transnationals to avoid hundreds of domestic and international food laws.
Strangling Healthy Debate!
Unless the Obama Administration forgoes the so-called Fast Track option, the U.S. Congress, after agreements have already been signed, will be expected to vote--without debate or chance of making amendments.
In other words, the agreement would become a "done deal" with no input from farmers and others affected, those who lack the clout of the transnationals and other huge corporations.
Strangle Debate
Strangle Our Democracy!
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