Tuesday, July 23, 2013

If the U.S. Required Labeling of GMO in Foods--If, Only If-

Then University Students Tell Us How to Detect GMO in Food!

Students at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida, in their student newspaper, July 23, 2013, tell readers a simple way to tell if food is organically raised or contains GMOs.

Unfortunately--unless federal, state, or local laws require GMO labeling--for most of us, this simple system only works if producers and distributors make full use of PLUs or "Price Look-up Codes."

Price Look-Up Codes (PLUs)

If food in our markets have stickers with PLUs attached to them, the Eagle News, the student newspaper
  • If the code starts with the number 9 and is 5 digits long, the food is organic
  • If the code starts with the number 8 and is 5 digits long, the food contains GMO
  • If the code starts with 3 or 4 digits and is 4 digits long, the food has been grown conventionally and may contains GMO


Chances Are--

Because GMO products more often than not do not need to be labeled in the U.S., chances are that food with a 3 or 4 digit code and 4 digits long may well contain GMOs!
GMOs are mostly in food products containing soy, canola corn, papaya, zucchini and yellow squash.  That means a great many products on the shelves in our markets may have stickers starting with a 3 or 4 digit code--although they should start with an 8!.

  We Take Our Chances!

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