Saturday, July 27, 2013

In-Breeding Enhances and Fosters Monsanto's Power Over the U.S. Government

Why Labeling GMO  Products is Thwarted at Every Turn

The merry, cozy dance between government regulators and those outside of government, who don't want to be regulated, has been illustrated by The Corucopia Institute in an article, "Is the U.S. a Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Monsanto?"
The Cornucopia Institute ( describes itself as "Promoting Economic Justice for Family-scale Farming."  In the merry dance--so common in Washington, D.C.--where partners exchange places, now outside of government, now within, now a lobbyist, now a regulator, Monsanto's dancers perform beautifully!

From the Clinton to the Obama Years

Never mind which party is in power!  The Cornucopia Institute names names--15 powerful individuals, one a Congressman, one a Senator, and many now and again lobbyists, now and again regulators, dancing to the tune Monsanto plays.
The administration in power--whether Clinton, Bush, or Obama--is merely the backdrop for the dance.

Yes, It Could be Called a Puppet Show!

A multi-national corporation like Monsanto (with its chemical industry buddies) is the master puppeteer.  We world citizens are the audience, only occasionally glimpsing the trickery.

Power to the People!


Until we citizens use our individual citizen-power to overturn the puppet stage, tear down the drapery, reveal the puppet master hiding back of the façade, manipulating the dances--we are likely to perish, sick and exhausted in every way.


Let us call the tune!


We are the pipers!

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