Identify What's Good and What's Bad!
In some areas of our life, we've reached a consensus that certain things are bad, dangerous, and to be avoided. Society throughout the world recognizes that drivers approaching railroad tracks should be warned! In many countries, if not most, signs warn vehicular drivers on roads of speed limits and other possible dangers, for example, "Deer Crossing"!
In the U.S., advertisements for prescription drugs bombard TV viewers with lengthy warnings of possible side effects to be aware of. "If you take this drug and have one of these abnormal reactions, consult your physician immediately!"
Yet, despite findings of scientists worldwide of possible dangers from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), despite the fact that the European Union requires labeling of food containing GMOs, in the U.S. the attitude of lawmakers is "Let the chemical and pharmaceutical interests make their money, to Hell with the health of our people! Besides we want to get reelected and we need those corporate contributions!"
Money Trumps Health!
No railway organizations (privately or publicly owned) could ever conceive of demolishing railroad crossing signs, because they're so patently needed. Likewise, no auto or truck manufacturers would be so foolish as to obstruct governments from putting up roadway warnings.
However, because obscene sums of money are to be made adding chemicals to foodstuffs, and societies' legislators continue to permit corporate money to influence lawmakers--and it's in the nature of the beast to want always to get reelected!--money to those in power inevitably trumps good sense and the health of all.
Furthermore, laws such as those in the U.S. that grant personhood to corporations, giving them equal rights with individuals, allow multinational chemical and pharmaceutical corporations to trample on individual human beings throughout the world. Again, to Hell with health! Money, money, money, is all we care about!
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