Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Engage Young People in the U.S. to Get GMO-corrupted Food Labeled!

Max Goldberg Has it Right!

Max Goldberg of LivingMaxWell, Your Guide to Organic Food & Drink (LivingMaxWell) has it right.  He says:
If we want GMO-labeling to happen in the U.S.  young people must be engaged
AND empowered.

Real Food Challenge

Goldberg cites Real Food Challenge (Real Food Challenge) to show what youth can do.  The organization states:
The Real Food Challenge  leverages the power of youth and universities
 to create a healthy, fair, and green food system.
The organization aims:
To shift $1 billion of existing university food budgets away from industrial farms and junk food and towards local/community-based, fair, ecologically sound and humane food sources--what we call "real food"--by 2020.

A New Partnership Needed

Goldberg calls on the leading organic food companies and non-profits to partner with Real Food Challenge and say:
Let us tell you what is really going on with GMO-labeling in this country and why young people MUST be an important part of this process.  We don't know how to effectively reach your demographic and we don't understand social media like you do, but we do have financial resources that you don't have. 
We are going to give you some of our money, so that you can help our country have a future of food that looks promising.  After all, you have the most stake here since you are the future.
Tell us what we should be doing
and please lead the way.
And to his organic food industry friends, Goldberg concludes:

All they need now is for our industry


to offer them


a seat at the table.

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